Aspen unleashes the full fury of her powers against Maylander's fleet, completely destroying it. Kiani is impressed that Aspen, Cannon's precious "chosen one" is finally doing some good for the battle. Brande takes the nuke away from Muria, but doesn't get away fast enough and is killed by its blast. Anya implies taht she's going to let Kiani in on the truth about her past (see the Fathom: Kiani mini-series for the details). Casque hopes that Aspen has found her respite, because there's no stopping the Blacks from raising. Aspen talks to Chance and Captain Matthews about what happened at Muria.
Killian reappears and apparently WASN'T killed in the blue Sun incident. He's finally able to regain his solid from. Finn appears to have been captured, but by whom?